The Suitor

Dear Readers,

Welcome to my new blog. It is still very young, so there are few posts yet, but please be patient. I'm working very hard and nearly constantly to make every post worthwhile, so it may take a bit before I get very prolific.

In case you haven't noticed, I love libraries very very much. I recently graduated from Oberlin College, where I worked for two years at the circulation desk, and I loved every minute of it. I thrive on enabling others to succeed and adored every moment in which I got to make someone's day easier, teach someone a new trick, or just brighten someone's day by giving them a smile along with their books. I live for that feeling, and that's how I know that being a librarian is exactly what I want to do with my life. Truth be told, I didn't realize it immediately. The greatest revelation was that I was born to be a Watcher--vanquishing evil, reading old languages, the occult, and RESEARCH!, what could be better. I've heard there's a Hellmouth in Cleveland, but since I haven't found it yet, library work will do just fine.

I've had the fortune of landing a position as a reference associate at a medium-sized library system here in Cleveland, and I love it. In general, I answer reference questions, work on programming, and help maintain our adult collections. I get to play with the books daily and couldn't be happier. The work is challenging in more ways than I could have anticipated, but it is always interesting, engaging, and rewarding. For every patron who poops on the floor of the bathroom, there are three children who can't wait to read a new book, and those kinds of reference interviews are the ones that keep me going.

If you, too, find your passion for libraries bursting out of your heart and demanding to be broadcast, then never fear! Guest posts are welcome, nay, encouraged! Just drop me a comment and I'll get in touch. The only rule is it must be a letter to a library =).


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