Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Programs, Parties, and Pleasing Patrons in Five Easy Steps

Dear Libraries,
August is an interesting month in the library. Kids are getting ready for school to start again, the heat is still raging (..questionable in Northeastern Ohio..), and at my library, my boss goes on vacation for a couple of weeks. As a result, a lot more responsibilities have fallen to me to make sure that things keep rolling for our upcoming programs. Last night we had our August event for our regular concert night program put on in conjunction with the nearby music institute, which also happened to be the first program I fully coordinated on my own. Granted, there was a substantial safety net involved in putting together a recurring program, and I had a lot of help from the leader of the chamber group who performed, but I did get a chance to see what it would be like to build a program from the ground up on my own. As a result, I learned some things. Probably.

1. A library program is like a fun themed party. This might be a difficult one to understand for those who
Especially if you invite Ron Swanson. and not Tammy II.
aren't stalwart ENFPs like I am, but throwing parties is one of my favorite things to do, and I've found that if you're doing it right, putting together a program shouldn't be too different from hosting a gathering of your 20-50 closest friends. You secure your entertainer/DJ/speaker ahead of time, you get the word out in whatever way you can, you rearrange your furniture to better accommodate your guests, and when the time comes, a good host knows how to both kick off the shindig by welcoming the guests and pointing out highlights and ensure success by taking a step back and letting the event run its course.

2. Those all-nighters in college really kind of did pay off. In school I was always that I-work-best-under-pressure asshole who procrastinated my assignments until the last minute then churned them out in a desperate, manic, academic fit of rage. Maybe my work wasn't as spotless as it could have been given an extra day or two to revise, but I always did just well enough on my assignments to never really learn my lesson. Well, it turns out, when your work is putting on a program, the "oh fuck it I'll just take the late grade" route really isn't an option--so when I realized 45 minutes before the concert that I hadn't put together a program yet, I had to unleash the ProcrastiMaster in a blaze of glory not seen since I graduated. It wasn't pretty, but I got the job done.

Maybe I'd love my calendar more if there were
 a puppy involved.
3. Then I learned to triple-check my task calendar so something like that won't happen again. The calendar is sacred. Treat it right, and all will be yours.

4. As with most tasks in the workplace, being able to work well with others is crucial to success. Return phone calls. Email promptly with requests. Always be courteous. Give people plenty of time to get back to you. Don't be afraid to send a gentle reminder if they don't. These are things which should seem obvious, but can be hard to keep track of when you're just a part-time employee. This brings us back to #3. Respect the sanctity of the calendar, or else.

5. Much like a well-planned party again, a well-executed program is a really rewarding experience. I can't claim credit for the excellence of the program, as the really hard work was put in by our musicians to deliver a flawless performance, but the fact that it went off without a hitch (ultimately) and attracted a large crowd is certainly a point of pride. And, like a party, a program is always that much more enjoyable when you see others having a good time. That warm fuzzy proud feeling that comes from sharing a pleasant experience with others and knowing you helped make it happen is one of my favorite feelings. Better than puppies holding calendars. Maybe.

It's been a while since I've written, and I am ashamed about that. I've been lucky enough to be working in reference in a public library for the past six months, and I do have a lot to say about that. One of the greatest things about this job though is that it has given me a great excuse to read books constantly. I pull books off the shelf as compulsively as a klepto in a K-Mart because I CAN and they're freaking FREE. Aren't libraries awesome? Going there regularly has seriously improved my quality of life, no joke.

All this reading has been seriously tempting my inner lit major, so much so that when I tried to write an email to a coworker today about a cool link I found relating to Game of Thrones, I wound up just writing an essay on the relationship of a reader/viewer/consumer to modern media. Not ready to come off as a total crazed lunatic, I had to admit to myself that what I had written was not an email but a blog post. So, as much as I would like to talk about libraries in my revival post, literature is on the brain so that's what's coming first. here we go. I'm assuming some familiarity of both the ASOIAF/GOT series and Arrested Development, though it will probably still make sense even if you're not familiar with either.